

Jie Zheng
Shanghai Office

Mr. Zheng specializes in the areas of foreign direct investment, equity investment and M&A, out-bound investment and project financing.


Mr. Zheng provides legal services to multinational companies for legal matters including investment, merger and acquisition, restructuring and business operation in China.


Mr. Zheng’s practice focuses on investment and transaction matters, including providing legal assistance for inbound and outbound joint ventures, cross-border merger and acquisition projects. He specializes in investment and transaction structuring, legal due diligence, contract negotiation, IP protection and legal risk management. He has extensive experience in advising clients from industries including automotive, machinery, chemical and new materials, pharmaceutical and medical devices, media and entertainment, luxury and fashion industry, etc.


 In the field of out-bound investment, Mr. Zheng has worked as lead counsel in advising domestic public and private company groups on large acquisitions of businesses in areas of North America, Europe and Southeast Asia, and assisting clients in project financing.

Working Experience and Education Background

Mr. Zheng joined JunZeJun Law Offices in 2020. Prior to his joining in JunZeJun, he had been working over a decade in Shanghai office of a German law firm and a leading UK law firm and Deloitte Legal.


Mr. Zheng received his B.A. degree in law from Wuhan University of Technology, and then LL.M degree from the University of Munich, Germany.


  • +86-10-6652 3366


  • Beijing:+86-10-6652 3388
  • Shanghai:+86-21-6106 0889
  • Shenzhen:+86-755-3398 8188
  • Guangzhou:+86-20-8551 1672
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