

Xiquan Yan
PartnerBeijing Head Office

Mr. Yan specializes in the areas of financial asset management business, equity investment and M&A and financial dispute resolution.


Mr. Yan has been focusing on financial products such as banking, trust, asset management and private equity funds, as well as the practical operation of these financial products in real estate, infrastructure, and entity enterprises and other fields. Mr. Yan has deeply participated in the establishment, investment and operation of various financial products, and has been mainly responsible for the transaction structure design of the project, assisting clients in negotiating with other parties, legal due diligence, issuing special legal opinions, drafting contracts and related legal texts, etc. Mr. Yan has been deeply involved in the establishment and operation of various innovative and difficult projects, and has provided effective advice on the design of project elements, legal framework, risk control and other arrangements, to make projects successfully landing.


Mr. Yan has represented a number of financial dispute resolution cases and has extensive experience in financial dispute resolution.

Working Experience and Education Background

Mr. Yan joined JunZeJun Law Offices in 2013. 


Mr. Yan graduated from Anhui University of Finance and Economics with a bachelor’s degree in law. After that, Mr. Yan obtained Jurist Master from the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences. 


  • +86-10-6652 3366


  • Beijing:+86-10-6652 3388
  • Shanghai:+86-21-6106 0889
  • Shenzhen:+86-755-3398 8188
  • Guangzhou:+86-20-8551 1672
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